Learning vocabulary is a fundamental part of learning French. The more French words children know, the more they will be able to understand what they hear, and the better they will be able to say what they want to when speaking!
In this section, children will learn new vocabulary easily and in a fun way! Kids just have to go through the pictures and click on to hear the correct pronunciation!
Vocabulary / Fruit / beginner 
In this lesson you will learn how to say different kinds of fruit in French. These include apples, bananas, oranges and much more. Please pay close attention to the gender of each fruit (masculine or feminine).
Vocabulary / Days of the week / beginner
In this lesson learn how to say the days of the week in French and watch a funny video !
Vocabulary / Vegetables / beginner 
Vegetables are an important part of our daily staple food ! Learn how to say and pronounce vegetables in French !
Vocabulary / Family – La famille / beginner
Like everywhere else, family is very important in France ! Learn how to talk about the members of your family in French !
Vocabulary / The seasons – Les saisons / beginner 
Learn about the seasons of the year in French !
Vocabulary / Video – Animals on the farm / beginner
Watch this video to find out how to say the names of the animals on the farm in French !
Vocabulary / Le corps (the body) / beginner 
In this lesson learn words in French for parts of the body !
Vocabulary / La maison (the house) / beginner
Learn how to describe your house in French !
Vocabulary / Les mois de l’année (months of the year) / beginner 
Apprends les mois de l’année en Français ! Learn the months of the year in French !
Vocabulary / Les couleurs (part I)/ beginner
In this lesson learn how to say the colors in French so you can describe your favorite things !
Vocabulary / Les couleurs (part II) : Vidéo / beginner 
Keep learning the colors by watching this nice video !
Pictures by freepik.com