What is verb Conjugation ?
To conjugate a verb means to create an arrangement of its many forms. We use different forms of the same verb depending on the situation. For instance, we can modify the infinitive verb To Talk by talk, talks, talked etc.
Verbs are conjugated with respect to person and time. In conjugation for the person, the verb changes form depending on whether the subject of the first, second, or third person (singular or plural) is involved :
Singular :
First person -> Je parle – I talk
Second person -> Tu parles – You talk
Third person -> Il/elle parle – He/She talks
Plural :
First person -> Nous parlons – We talk
Second person -> Vous parlez – You talk
Third person -> Ils/Elles parlent – They talk
Depending on when an action or a verb has taken place, we use different tenses : past, present or future ! The past tense tells you whether the action has already happened, the present tense tells you if the action is currently happening and the future tense tells you if the action is expected to happen in the future.
Examples :
Hier, j’ai regardé la télé / Yesterday, I’ve watched TV -> Past tense
Maintenant, je regarde la télé / Now, I’m watching TV -> Present tense
Demain, je regarderai la télé / Tomorrow, I will watch TV -> Future tense
La semaine dernière, je suis allé au zoo / Last week, I went to the zoo -> Past tense
Aujourd’hui je vais au zoo / Today, I go to the zoo -> Present tense
La semaine prochaine, j’irai au zoo / Next week, I will go to the zoo -> Future tense